Career Development Services Benefit All Students

Olivia Caime ’23

Contributing Writer

The Center for Student Success and Career Development is located on the lower level of the Admissions Building.  After spending so much time immersed in the perfect world of our beautiful Trinity campus, we find that it’s here in this auspicious place that our theoretical learning finally meets practical reality. How do we put our knowledge and passion to work? What job, or better yet, what career will help us feel fulfilled professionally? It’s here at the Center for Student Success and Career Development that those questions get tackled and, hopefully, answered. 

At the Center, you’ll find professionals ready to help you explore options for a job or internship, create sophisticated profiles and documents such as a résumé or the ever-important cover letter, as well as an opportunity to be introduced to Trinity’s well-connected alumni network and potential employers. Whether you are ready to go directly into the workforce, attend graduate school, or even apply for volunteer programs or fellowships, they are there to help. Nobody’s career path is a straight line and the Center is there to assist students in navigating the curves and smooth the road ahead. 

Often, the Center will host specialized sessions offering students a chance to hone the skills for success necessary for both their time at Trinity and long after. Their assistance is time-flexible and it’s easy to schedule group sessions as well as individual appointments available through Handshake for one-on-one coaching to help students design their unique paths based on their wants and interests. The Center holds “Career Studios” on the first floor of the admissions building Monday through Friday, as well as evening hours in Peter B’s on Mondays; here, students of all grade levels will benefit from help with résumés, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, Handshake, the Bantam Career Network, and more. These resources are more beneficial than some students realize as they are the some of the fundamental building blocks for their personal and professional lives post-graduation.

It is important for students to realize that it’s completely normal to be unsure of what career they would like to pursue. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 80% of students in the United States change their major at least once during their college years. This is one of the strongest reasons for the Career Center’s existence: to help guide those who haven’t found “the One” through careful self-reflection to identify which major and/or eventual profession would fulfill their ambitions and suit their talents. 

The services of the Center for Student Success and Career Development benefit every student regardless of their grade, and the Center is one of the most practical resources here at Trinity College available to all. There is no need to wait until senior year to start planning – it starts as soon as you choose to walk into the Center. Let’s face it, figuring out what to do with your life and launching into the real world is hard, but the Center for Student Success and Career Development makes the landing a lot softer. 


Brendan W. Clark '21 is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity Tripod, Trinity College's student newspaper.

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