SGA Discusses Campus Climate Team, College Republican’s Event

Daniel Nesbitt ’22

News Editor

The Student Government Association (SGA) met this past Sunday, Feb. 9, to discuss the Title IX Coordinator search committee, the Campus Climate Incident Response Team, and the upcoming Candace Owens event being held by Trinity College Republicans on Tuesday Feb. 11. In addition, the SGA committees provided updates on their various projects and activities. 

SGA Vice President of Communications and Chair of the Housing Committee Jack Stone ’22 announced that the new room ratings for this year’s housing lottery have been submitted to Director of Residential Life Susan Salisbury and that housing lottery numbers will be assigned Thursday Feb. 13. Stone, also the Chair of the Student Life Committee, informed the SGA that the Student Life Committee will begin working with the Faculty Conference to discuss Trinity’s new universal non-discrimination policy currently in development. In addition, first-year Senator Joshua Jacoves ’23 communicated that the Constitutional Revisions Committee has nearly completed the final revisions of the SGA Constitution and that it will be ready to be voted on by the student body this spring in conjunction with SGA elections. 

Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dr. Anita Davis updated SGA regarding the ongoing search for the open Title IX Coordinator position. The open position would have the new title of Assistant Vice President for Diversity Equity and Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator. Dr. Davis informed SGA that the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is seeking recommendations for students to be involved in the search committee, with the ultimate goal of bringing candidates to campus in early March. 

Dean of Campus Life & Vice President for Student Affairs Joe DiChristina presented the most recent draft of the statement of purpose for the Campus Climate Incident Response Team established last year. The document reads, “Comprising of students, faculty members, administrators, and exempt and non-exempt staff members, the campus climate incident response team seeks to promote inclusion and equity through its focus on the Trinity community’s responses to incidents of intolerance. This team neither investigates nor adjudicates alleged violations of college policy.” 

DiChristina added that a system for anonymous incident reporting has been developed that will function similarly to the Title IX anonymous reporting system. Many SGA members expressed positive sentiments about the Response Team, noting that it will be a good means of responding to incidents of hate and empowering affected groups or individuals. 

Finally, Director of the Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (S.A.I.L.) Office Nikia Bryant spoke with the SGA to address concerns about the upcoming Candace Owens event on Tuesday Feb. 11th hosted by Trinity College Republicans. Some SGA members expressed concerns about security at the event, consisting of private hired security, Campus Safety, and Hartford PD. Other SGA members voiced concerns as to whether enough was being done to ensure that students feel safe following the event and had access to supportive resources on campus. 


Brendan W. Clark '21 is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity Tripod, Trinity College's student newspaper.

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