Title IX Audit of Trin Athletic Program

1 min read

Olivia Papp ’23

Managing Editor

On November 3rd, 2022, the Assistant Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Compliance issued an update to the Trinity community regarding the Title IX audit of Trinity College’s athletic program. This update included a review of“facilities and resources regarding gender equity, as a follow-up to my communication from June 3, 2022.”Whitley announced that the Attorneys from Education &Sports Law Group have completed a preliminary report for the steering committee. The steering committee consists of Pamela Whitley; the office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Student Success and Enrollment Management; Athletics; and the General Counsel. The submission of this preliminary report was contingent upon the completion of a three-phased process, including facility reviews, collecting data from coach and student interviews, and gaining feedback. As of now, the steering committee is reviewing the preliminary report and will proceed to make recommendations for next steps to President Berger-Sweeney by the end of this semester. Whitley noted that the “process of examining gender equity to enhance the student-athlete experience is important work.

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