Bella Chirkis ’27
News Editor
One of Trinity’s own sororities, Alpha Chi Omega, held their Blood Drive this past week, on October 1st and 2nd, that they hold each semester. This specific blood drive was through the Connecticut Blood Center. Alpha Chi Omega does a Blood Drive once per semester, with the Connecticut Blood Center on a more communal level, and the next semester, with American Red Cross, to help donate blood on a national level. This past week was Alpha Chi Omega’s most successful blood drive to date, with 54 sign ups and 38 people came to give blood. On average not everyone who signs up actually donates blood, but with walk-ins included, Alpha Chi Omega donated enough blood to save 114 people. The sororities goal was to donate through 25 students, which they exceeded. The Connecticut Blood Center faced a blood shortage over the summer and Alpha Chi Omega was able to help them greatly.
The sisters had a station outside of Mather, where they encouraged everyone who walked past them to sign up and donate blood. The sisters received a series of negative backlash in correlation to asking people to sign up, so they were worried about the outcome of the actual event during the day, but it turned out to be better and more successful than they had expected. In order to increase awareness of the event, Alpha Chi Omega promoted the event on their Instagram @trinity_axo with virtual sign ups. In an interview with Maddie Nebelung `26, the VP Philanthropy for Alpha Chi Omega, she stated how many students were directly affected by the effects of blood shortage in their lives, which encouraged them to give blood and to help someone else in need: “we have the numbers and we have the passion.” Maddie states when asked about what inspires her and her sisters to become more involved within the community. She felt that there are not as many opportunities to get involved within the community of Hartford and help people, which encouraged her to join Alpha Chi Omega. Instead of waiting to graduate college, Maddie and the rest of the sisters want to put in their efforts now, to be able to give back to the community in any way that they can. All of the girls joined Alpha Chi Omega for virtually the same reason: “everyone finds a passion in educating the campus community about domestic violence.”
Apart from the blood drive, Alpha Chi Omega’s philanthropy lies within domestic violence. Domestic violence awareness month is in October, with their formal on October 19th. The donations for the formal are going directly to RAIN (rape abuse international network.) In previous years, Alpha Chi Omega has raised over $1000 for this event and they plan to make similar numbers in donations for this year. Anyone interested in donating or educating themselves more on domestic violence can visit @trinity_axo on social media, and find posters around our campus with a QR code to make donations.
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