By Chris Bulfinch ’18
News Editor
Each Sunday for the rest of the term, Trinity’s Student Government Association (SGA) will be posting photos and biographies of their officers on Bantamgram, the SGA’s Instagram account, per Brennan Lynch ’20.
These “Senator Sundays” involve two members of different constituencies within the SGA, whether members of the class councils, the Executive Board, or any other members. Each member writes a profile of themselves alongside pictures, posting to Instagram and Facebook.
An initiative created by the SGA’s Communication Committee, “Senator Sundays” are a way to, in Lynch’s words, “improve outreach,” so that members of the Trinity community “know who they can talk to” about any issues related to student life.
The idea for “Senator Sundays” was originally Lynch’s, who in turn was inspired by similar programs on ESPN.
Kristina Miele, ’19, the SGA’s Communications Chair, explains that “Senator Sundays” are part of a larger program of outreach: “We are encouraging all SGA members to reach out to their individual classes both online through Facebook and Twitter, and in person.” Miele also reflected that “this way the general student body knows who we are as an SGA and knows that they can come to us with any questions, suggestions, and concerns that they have.”
The Communications Committee’s primary focus, according to Miele and Lynch, is Bantamgram, though they also work on the SGA’s Facebook Page and a program called Corq, which functions as a message board for on campus events. Reworking Trinity Today is also on the Communications Committee’s radar. In general, communications have been a priority of SGA this year.
The Communications Committee is also preparing for the administrative change that will happen when Kathy Andrews, Trinity’s current Interim Director of Communications and Media Relations, leaves her position.
Lynch and Ryan Miller ’17, the SGA’s President, were the first two SGA members to be profiled. The program will conclude at some point in March, once every member has been profiled.
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