Interest Continues to Grow for Trinity's Model United Nations Society

Hamna Tariq ’20
Contributing Writer
Trinity’s Model United Nations society is one of the most popular up-and-coming clubs on campus. Due to the current state of the world, more students are interested in the formation of political agendas, the impacts of foreign policies, the rights of women and members of the LGBTQ community, the protection of refugees, and the causes of environmental degradation. With this increase in awareness, students are encouraged to not only learn about these issues, but to also debate the ways the current world order can be altered to create peace. Model UN provides a platform to learn and discuss all these issues and more.
Model UN is a simulation of the actual United Nations. The prominent and impactful committees, sub-committees, and Ad-Hoc committees of the UN are replicated at the Model UN conferences. The procedures and rules at these conferences also reflect those practiced at the real international institution. Students belonging to a Model UN at colleges and universities are assigned at least one country which they need to represent at the various aforementioned committees. Formal attire is necessary, and everyone is required to act in a diplomatic and civil manner during committee sessions. This simulated experience is especially valuable for those students who plan to work for international institutions in the future.
Trinity’s Model UN society has grown exponentially over the course of the last couple of years. Currently, it has about twenty regular members. Our Model UN society hosts hour long meetings with our members every week. The meetings are usually of two types. These can either be informative, requiring members to read up on current affairs, and to discuss possible causes and solutions of issues that plague our world, or require students to research on a specific topic and debate on it as a form of practice for an upcoming conference.
Members of Trinity’s Model UN society attend about three national conferences a year. In November, eight students were sent to University of Pennsylvania’s Model UN conference in Philadelphia. Trinity students only need to pay the delegate fee and the rest is covered by the society. Joining this organization not only helps students gain awareness of global issues but meet eager and like-minded individuals from all over the world. Delegations will also be sent to Brown University in March and NYU in April.
The first meeting of the semester of the Model UN society is this Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 7:00-8:00pm. Representatives from the Model UN society will also be present at the activities fair on Tuesday, Jan. 31st. Do stop by if you want to sign up and become a part of this amazing community!

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