Student Leader of the Week: Suzanne Del Rosario '20

2 min read
Suzanne Del Rosario
Class Year:
Brooklyn, New York
Leadership on Campus:
President of Imani, Trinity College Black Student Union, Senior Intern of Multicultural Recruitment Team (Admissions), Unit Leader at the Welcome Desk
Tell us about your leadership experience:
Being elected President of Imani has been one of my most rewarding experiences at Trinity. I always envisioned an inclusive, diverse, and open college campus. As President I am able to work alongside other brilliant and passionate
individuals that are aiming for the same goal. We host events where we try and start dialogue on top ics that are affecting us as students and as a community. We also tend to host events that are solely for the pure celebration of being who we are, diverse college students. We encourage individuals from all walks of life to join us in discussion and celebration. All the energy we put into Trinity is why I feel this position is one of my most rewarding experiences. I am not one to measure success in how many people come to our “Family Dinner” or a common hour event we host, but on how our events impact those around us. If a student is able to feel comfortable or learned something new from their peers, then we are stepping towards the right direction. I don’t only do this work because I love to, but because I feel
I owe students who look like me the opportunity to find a place on campus where they can thrive and be the best them they can be. Without Imani, Trinity would have looked vastly different for me.
Fun Fact:
English is not my first language. I am not sure if Spanish or American Sign Language was the first language I learned.
The “Student Leader of the Week” column is a collaboration between S.A.I.L. and the Tripod. If you would like to nominate a student leader, please contact either SAIL (through their website) or contact tripod@trincoll.edu.

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