Name: Lexi Zanger
Major: Environmental Science
Hometown: Aviston, Illinois
Trinity Tripod: What previous experiences have you had within SGA? What projects have you been a critical part of?
Lexi Zanger: I have been on SGA since my freshman year, serving as a senator. I have been involved with the Communications Committee, where I was part of the group that founded bantamgram. I have also served on the Crescent Building Planning Process, where I played a role in the construction of the new CCAN building. I have additionally served on the Sustainability Committee and the Housing Committee.
TT: What experiences outside SGA have shaped your time at Trinity and your ability to lead?
LZ: My freshman and sophomore year, I was a member of the rowing team. I have also been a barista at Peter Bs since my sophomore fall. Both of these activities have given me a greater exposure to the student body. I have been able to get to know the many perspectives of Trinity students. There is a diverse group of baristas and customers at Peter Bs, and I have gotten to know what is important to them on campus. I love talking and getting to know the people I work with or serve coffee to.
TT: What would you seek to accomplish in this position?
LZ: There should be a better foundation between the administration and the SGA. One idea I have is to pair an administrator to an SGA member to build relationships. For example, the administrator and SGA member could get coffee once a month, with the ultimate goal of establishing stronger relationships. The administrators I have gotten to know have been very willing to speak about issues, and this has led to more accomplishments on campus. We also should continue our discussion with Chartwells. Particularly of interest to me is more grocery items and produce offered in places like the Cave.
TT: What parts of your electoral platform and/or personality sets you apart from your opponents?
LZ: My experience on SGA and as a member of the Trinity community both serve towards my ability to succeed in this position. I know a lot of people from many different backgrounds, so I have gotten to know what is important from many angles. As a member of many committees, I have learned more about SGA and its goals. Additionally, I think I would work very well with either candidate for SGA president. I want to make SGA the best it can be. We must continue to gain support from the student body as a whole, and make SGA less of an isolated club.
TT: If you can only accomplish one of your objectives, which one would you choose and why?
LZ: I think the most important legacy to leave is establishing a stronger relationship with SGA and the administration. We need to be familiar with each other in order to get things done.
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