The Trinity Tripod sat down with Amber Stevenson ’19 to learn what it is like to be a Peter B’s barista and hear more about what we can expect from one of Trinity’s most beloved spots on campus.
TT: How long have you been working at Peter B’s and what are some of your roles besides being a barista?
AS: This is my fourth year working at Peter B’s and beyond being a barista, I also previously ran the social media accounts and worked as a manager. The managerial role consisted of taking inventory, training staff and being an experienced barista that staff can go to if they have any issues. Through running the social media, I updated the Instagram by taking photos of different products, letting the campus know about any promotions and just trying to get the word out about Peter B’s to the wider Trinity community.
TT: Why did you decide to apply for the job?
AS: Without fail each day, so many different people from different walks of life frequent Peter B’s which makes it so easy to make new connections (and even new friends) while working here. It’s definitely one of the more social jobs on campus and the free coffee and tea is also a perk for all of its baristas! I also really enjoy getting to know our regular customers who come in everyday and order the same drink. It’s nice to able to build those bonds with people over our shared love of coffee.
TT: What is the most popular drink at Peter B’s?
AS: Definitely the ic d coffee. Even when it is cold, Trinity students just have a fond love of iced coffee. The chai is pretty popular and the matcha is growing in popularity. Not a lot of people know we stock it, but those who do tend to order it several times a day.
TT: What is your favorite drink to make?
AS: I enjoy making lattes. I’m not world-renowned for my latte art, but I do try to improve every time.
TT: What are some of your favorite memories as a barista?
AS: My favorite memory as a barista is when Rachel Platten, Trinity alumna and pop star, came in to order a tea! I recognized her and love her music, so I asked for a photo, which I posted on my Instagram. A couple of months later, I found out she was on campus to conduct an interview for Elle Magazine, and the magazine actually shouted me out in the article as a “petite Welsh barista” which is also currently my Instagram bio and my small claim to fame. I also really enjoy talking to families on tours. I work the early shift most Saturday mornings which is a peak time for tours so it provides a great opportunity to speak to prospective students about my experiences at Trinity candidly.
Trinity Tripod: Could you tell us a little bit about the history of Peter B’s?
Amber Stevenson: Peter B is actually a Trinity alumnus who opened coffee shops in a few locations in the local area and ultimately decided to open a shop here on campus in the 1990s.
TT: What seasonal drinks can we expect to see on the menu in the coming weeks?
AS: Pumpkin spiced latte season is in full force and that’s available well into the winter. Our hot apple cider is also popular and is also available iced! During the winter months, we introduce peppermint mocha with or without whipped cream and we’ll also have a gingerbread syrup for gingerbread lattes which are delicious. Stay tuned on our Instagram to see when they’ll be available!
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