Austin Arts Announces its Fall 2023 Productions: “Joy!”And “Machinal”

2 min read

Linnea Mayo ’26

A&E Editor

This upcoming fall, The Austin Arts Center returns with two musical productions, Joy! and Machinal. From October 13 to October 14 2023, Joy! is kicking off their 2023-24 season. Tailored to Trinity’s new bicentennial celebrations and Fall Weekend, Joy! will be directed by Tandy Beal, a choreographer  and performer who’s performed solo and in an ensemble across four continents. The show will consist of an ensemble of dancers, acrobats and circus performers, who will be performing alongside live music from a cappella group SoVoSó. SoVoSó sings an array of jazz, gospel and R&B, and these performances will surely bring music, dance, and fun to Trinity. This production will include students, faculty and professionals from Trinity and Hartford, and all performances will be staged in the Austin Arts Center’s Goodwin Theater.

Additionally, from November 30 to December 2, Austin Art’s will stage Machinal, a 1928 play that follows the real life case of Ruth Snyder, young woman convicted of murdering her husband and thus executed in the electric chair. Sophia Treadwells story will be directed by Teri Incampo, and Assistant Directed by senior Lily McMahon. Again this production will be held in the Austin Arts Center’s Goodwin Theater. This production was produced and directed by Arthur Hopkins, and opened on Broadway at the Plymouth Theatre from September to November of 1928.

Be sure to enjoy these plays and if you are interested in visiting or getting involved with the Austin Arts Center, visit

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