Maura Keary ’22
Features Editor
1. Remain focused. With less than one month left until students return home until spring semester, it is easy to fall out of focus. To close out the semester with the best grades as possible, you must remain engaged in classes whether it is online or in-person. Follow these tips and set goals for yourself and plan on reaching them by Nov. 21!
2. Stay organized. The best way to stay organized is to use a planner or calendar to keep track of all of your assignments. In the beginning of each week, try writing down your test, quiz and homework due dates for the coming days. The best part is crossing off those tasks once you have completed them!
3. Plan for your finals schedule. A great way to start preparing for finals is to check when your exam dates are. You can view this on the Registrar’s Office page on the Trinity College website. With knowing when you have all your exams, you can then start studying according to your schedule. In addition, start studying ahead of time! Cramming is never a good idea, especially because the in-person semester has been shortened into a mere 10 weeks. You may seem stressed as exams are coming fast but use this time now to think ahead! Final exams for 10-week courses and 13-week courses are the weeks of Nov. 16 and Dec. 15, respectively.
4. Stay engaged with Zoom lectures. Although virtual classes may not be ideal, it is important to keep up with the lectures in the same manner as in-person classes, especially in the last few weeks. It helps to remain attentive in class if your camera is on and you are participating in class discussions! Create a workspace in your room that allows for you to gain as much information and knowledge as you would in a normal class setting.
5. Switch up study locations. You are most likely tired of being in your dorm all of the time, especially if you have more than one online course— so change it up a little! There are countless spots in the library to discover, whether it be a cubicle, a study room or just a different area than where you usually sit. You can also try difference spaces on campus, for example, a classroom that isn’t being used or the study area in CCAN. A change of scenery can always help renew your focus.
6. Use professor office hours. Office hours are definitely something to take advantage of, especially at a small school such as Trinity. Often, you will even have the opportunity to have one-on-one discussions with your professors. Even if they are virtual, office hours are great to attend one or two sessions per week to ask questions or go over material before your final exam. In addition to this, utilize other resources as well such as TA sessions, the Writing Center, or the Quantitative Center! Professors and other students are always there to help you succeed!
7. Stay active. With the current campus alert level back to green, most athletic facilities are open for use, as long as the correct health and safety measures are taken. Take an hour of your time and get some fresh air. Whether you go for a jog on the track, a walk around campus, or book a reservation in the Hazelton Fitness Center, exerting some energy before, during, or after studying is always a good idea.
8. Continue taking safety precautions. Wouldn’t it be great to end the semester on a green campus alert level? If we, as a campus community, come together and follow all school guidelines to stay healthy, we can do just that. Through distancing, wearing masks, and practicing proper self-care, students will be able to close out the in-person semester with open athletic facilities, distanced outdoor gatherings and in-person classes. Let’s enjoy the last few weeks we have as a community!
9. Read emails from administrators. It is important to read the emails in their entirety to remain aware of campus guidelines and case updates, as well as other school announcements. Stay educated and safe!