Alex Lewis’ Experience as a Transfer Student Ambassador

4 min read

Hannah Lorenzo ’25

Contributing Writer

Alex Lewis is a junior at Trinity, and he is all about supporting students as a transfer student ambassador. Since he enrolled as a transfer student in Spring 2021, Lewis nominated himself for a student leadership position to support students’ experiences on campus, especially for transfer students like himself. 

Being a transfer student, Lewis mentions how there is this sense of displacement that transfer students may find themselves in as they enroll alongside incoming freshmen and partake in the same activities, such as the first-year opening ceremony and traditional book signing. Their unique experiences of previously studying at a different university as well as being older than their new student peers play a role in that feeling. 

 “Depending on when they [transfer students] come in, while they have those opportunities [that Trinity provides], they still feel like ‘oh well, I’m not a freshman,’” Lewis said.

The support on Trinity’s campus, ranging from students to professors, aided in his transition from community college to Trinity. During his first semester here, Lewis says he was excited to be offered the position of transfer student ambassador. Lewis is ultimately excited to mentor, as he understands that the experience of transfer students differ from year-to-year. 

“I really wanted to provide a unique experience for them because transfer students are different than your typical first-year, straight-out-of-high-school student,” Lewis said. “They have different study habits, they have different aspirations, they tend to know a little bit more about their academic career or what they want out of their academic career than, let’s say, a freshman from a high school that just arrived.”

Relevant to Lewis’ perspective, Trinity developed the transfer student ambassador position to add an extra layer of support for transfer students. Incoming transfer students are partnered with ambassadors. During this partnership, the ambassadors guide the incoming transfer students through campus tours, coffee get-togethers, and admissions interviews tailored for these students. 

“You have a lot of mentors here on campus, and one of the things that we really wanted the transfer student ambassador to be was also a mentor for students,” Lewis said.

This past summer, Trinity introduced two orientation leaders for the incoming transfer students to help acclimate these new students to Trinity. Lewis includes examples of this assistance, such as learning where all the academic buildings are, writing emails to professors, and figuring out how to use dorm laundry machines.

According to Lewis, a leading motive of transfer student ambassadors is “making [transfer students] feel unique.” The goal of this program is to highlight the fact that transfer students’ experiences are recognized and valued at Trinity. Looking into the future, this position prepares Lewis for a career that focuses on the welfare of people in his community and beyond.

“One of the best things about TSA (transfer student ambassador), why I’m really passionate about [this], is that it really trains me to do what I want as a career: I want to be a lobbyist or an advocate,” Lewis said. 

As a transfer student ambassador, Lewis views his work in this field as an extension of his goals which include creating positive change in others’ lives. From mentorship to civic engagement, his support for fellow Trinity students is just the beginning. 

“In all my life, I’ve been really passionate about advocacy, helping others out, and trying to make a difference within at least one person’s life,” Lewis said. “[If] you make a difference in one person’s life, that person can, in turn, make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Using his experiences as both a transfer student and transfer student ambassador, Lewis hopes to broaden his role as a student leader to become a leader in community advocacy. Lewis believes his journey at Trinity will continue to develop his expressive character and strengthen his advocacy. 

“At the end of the day—to me—it’s all about people,” Lewis said. “It’s about helping others; and, if you’re talented at speaking, you’re talented at communication. [If] you have this special set of skills, and you enjoy talking with people, you enjoy the political landscape, you enjoy just helping other people out, why not be an advocate for them?”

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