Have you ever seen someone wearing a beanie around campus with a patch on the front that says Love Your Melon and wondered what it meant and, more importantly, where you could get one? Love Your Melon is a company started by two college students in an entrepreneurship class at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Originally, the two students wanted to provide warm hats for every child battling cancer in America. Today, Love Your Melon has donated over 90,000 hats. Additionally, 50% of profit from any sale of Love Your Melon products goes to the company’s nonprofit partners that include pediatric cancer research foundations and organizations like Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The organization has Campus Crews at 740 educational institutions and is composed of about 11,000 crew members nationwide. More locally, the Trinity College Love Your Melon Campus Crew got started three years ago and has been growing ever since. This year’s crew is led by Brynne MacIver ’18. With a purchase from Love Your Melon, whether it be a beanie, t-shirt, sweatshirt, or accessory, the buyer can choose a crew at check out. By clicking Trinity College at checkout, the Trinity Crew gets credits that allow them to do events and get them more involved in the local community.
In the fall as a part of Love Your Melon Day, the Trinity Crew took a little boy who had cancer and his family to Foster Family Farm. There, the Crew hung out with the family by getting lost in a corn maze, catapulting pumpkins, and go-karting. Last spring, as a part of Love Your Melon’s Superhero Day, the Trinity Crew hung out with a little girl who had cancer and her family. Together, they decorated confetti cupcakes and made friendship bracelets. The goal is always to provide a fun and relaxing day for the child and their family, and to bring a smile to their faces. The more credits the crew gets, the more events like these they can do.
Keep an eye out for Love Your Melon on campus as they plan to partner and do events with various organizations. You can check them out on Instagram at @trinitycollegelymcrew or on Facebook by searching Trinity College Love Your Melon Campus Crew. To purchase Love Your Melon merchandise, help the Trinity Crew, and the fight against pediatric cancer, go to and remember to choose Trinity College at checkout. To get involved with Trinity’s Crew or to discuss having your on-campus organization partner with the Trinity Crew for an event, contact Brynne MacIver at
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