Trinity College’s Annual Tradition: Greek Week Feature

3 min read

Abbey O’Leary ’24

Features Editor

Consisting of about twenty percent of Trinity College’s student body, Greek Life has been a large part of Trinity’s campus life for over one hundred and sixty-five years. Between the fifteen organizations on campus, comprised of eight fraternities, five sororities, and two co-educational organizations, Trinity’s Greek Life is made up of over four hundred members. 

Every year, the Greek organizations come together for Greek Week. This tradition is a great way for the individual organizations to come together, build interest among potential new members, and work on philanthropic projects together. Despite Greek organizations and members working together on the events of Greek Week, many of the events are open on campus and are welcome to all. 

Taking place this week, this year’s Greek Week is chalk full of engaging and entertaining events on campus. Beginning on Friday, March 31, the committee planned a formal for all senior Greek Life members. With formal attire, food, and drinks, this event was set to give the seniors an opportunity to all come together in their last semester and celebrate their time spent here at Trinity as well as in their Greek organizations and Greek community at large. 

The events continue through the week and begin again on Sunday, April 2. Sunday’s event, a field day of traditional games, begins at 11:30 a.m. on the soccer field. Members from the Greek organizations will come together and compete in matches and games against one another, consisting of dodgeball and human pyramids among others. Students from Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy will also be joining Trinity’s students to compete in a fun and inclusive day of sports. The field day events will continue until 2:30 p.m. and will be a fun and entertaining break for anyone on campus.

On Tuesday, April 4, Greek organizations will pair up and compete in an art competition. All organizations will paint trash cans for their respective houses and submit their final products in a competition that will be judged by the committee. 

Continuing this full week, on Wednesday, April 5, Greek Life members will be tabling for any potential new members who are interested in getting to know current members or have any questions about fall rush, specific organizations, or Greek Life in general. Taking place from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Greek Life members will be available outside Mather Hall. Furthermore, for a fun surprise, there will be a dunk tank set up during the event and members of Trinity’s Greek organizations will volunteer to be dunked by anyone who wants to try.

Finally, the week will come to an end on Thursday, April 6, with an awards ceremony for Trinity’s Greek Life organizations and members. From 5:30 until 6:15 p.m., the Greek members will be celebrated for their achievements inside and outside of Greek Life, including philanthropic engagement and academic excellence, among other things. 

Greek Week is a tradition on Trinity’s campus and is a great way for anyone to engage in fun activities and meet new people. This year will be no exception and will be a good way for students to come together and enjoy themselves and engage in campus life.

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