Along the Long Walk: Voting Plans

Caitlin Doherty ’26

Executive News Editor

Sabrina Codrington ’25

Staff Photographer

Ruby Bonikowski ’28


“I did a mail-in from my house.”

Eh Wah ’28

West Hartford, Connecticut

“I’m from here, so I’m going to vote probably this weekend.”

Ava Cedillo ’27


“Probably gonna go home to vote, ’cause it’s close.”

Maria Horgan ’27


“Going home, too!”

Peter Gilbert ’25


“I have a mail-in ballot, I’ve already voted.”

Luca Steinert ’26

Hong Kong

“I’m currently registered in Massachusetts, so I have to decide if I want to vote in Connecticut or Boston.”

Annabelle Pappas ’26

Boston, Massachusetts

“I voted absentee. I got a mail-in ballot, sent it in.”

Eva Muller ’26

North of Boston, Massachusetts

“I also got a Massachusetts mail-in ballot.”

Jason Rojas

Connecticut House of Representatives Majority Leader, Trinity College Chief of Staff and Associate Vice President for External Affairs

“I’m voting on Election Day because I’m a candidate, and I’ll be standing at the polls all day.”

Kate Barton ’28

Wilmington, Delaware

“I did an absentee ballot already, and I already voted.”

Makayla Cervantes ’26

Bristol, Connecticut

“I’m going to go home to vote, since I live in Bristol.”

Radel Taveras ’27

Bronx, New York

“I will be voting with an absentee ballot.”

Shairai Richards ’25

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

“I’m doing an absentee ballot, but I have to go home and get it.”

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