Behind the Scenes of Barnyard's Spring Weekend

2 min read

Esther Shittu ’16
The first day of spring has come and gone, but the 2016 Spring Weekend artist has yet to be announced. This is on account of legality issues concerning artists and their contracts. Barnyard Entertainment Committee is unable to release the artist’s name until the contract has been signed–which can be a long process, due to riders and other negotiations and renegotiations. If the name is released and confirmed before the necessary documents are signed, the artist will sue Barnyard; the money used for the next year’s Spring Weekend would be used to pay for the suit.
According to Vice President of Barnyard, Ben Chait ’16, the artist will be released very soon. “We have a few things to figure out with one of the contracts, but we should be releasing the artists via Barnyard’s Snapchat soon,” he said. Spring Weekend will be during April 29th through May 1st.
Last semester, Barnyard sent out a survey in order to find out what music genre the students prefer. “This year, Rap and Hip-Hop lead the way, followed by Pop. Surprisingly, EDM did not make it to the top of the list, as it has in the past three years. This signals a change in what the student body wants to listen to, and what type of artist they want to see,” said Chait. Keeping in mind the preferences of the student body, Barnyard’s selection process for a Spring Weekend artist was very complex and extensive. “We start from a huge list, get it down to about 50, select our top 10, and then work with our booking agent to check prices and availability,” Chait said.  “I am especially excited about this year’s artists and I hope that others will be too! Our whole committee is, honestly.”
Other than the concert, a few other activities are scheduled.  Chait adds that these include a carnival, a small concert that are planned for Friday. And, if anyone is worried about time conflict, Barnyard Entertainment is working with other student groups on campus so there are conflicts with the Spring Weekend festivities.

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