COVID-19 Weekly Update: Positive Tests Decrease

2 min read

Daniel J. Nesbitt ’22

Managing Editor

Trinity’s test results, as percentages, for the most recent week of recorded data. Photo courtesy of the Trinity Tripod.

Examining the data available on Trinity’s COVID-19 Dashboard, the College has reported that a total of 4,326 COVID-19 PCR tests have been completed between Sept. 21 and Sept. 28, with a total of 4 positive test results.

A breakdown of this past week’s testing results is shown in the figure above, while a breakdown of the previous week’s testing conducted from Sept. 14 to Sept. 21 is shown in the figure below. This week’s positive test rate of just 0.09% is a significant decrease from the positive test rate of 0.33% between Sept. 14 and Sept. 21, and this decrease mirrors the decline in overall active cases which decreased from 15 on Monday, Sept. 21 to 6 cases as of Monday, Sept. 28.

The invalid test rate remained nearly unchanged at 1.57% this week compared to 1.55% for the week prior. As of Monday, Sept. 28, Trinity has run upwards of 18,500 total tests since testing began Aug. 17, with an overall positive test rate of approximately 0.15%, including positive tests denoted as “prior” under the Dashboard.

Trinity’s test results, as percentages, from the previous week. Photo courtesy of the Trinity Tripod.


Brendan W. Clark '21 is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity Tripod, Trinity College's student newspaper.

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