Emergency Contraception Now Available Over-the-Counter at the Health Center

Cornelia Ehlebracht ‘25

Managing Editor

Trinity College Health Center announced on Jan. 30, 2025, that it has begun offering emergency contraception pills, also known as the morning-after pill or Plan B, as an over-the-counter option. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy by preventing or delaying ovulation…emergency contraception cannot interrupt an established pregnancy or harm a developing embryo.” This change allows students to obtain Plan B directly from the Health Center without an appointment, aiming to increase accessibility and convenience for those in need. 

Health Center RN Supervisor, Jennifer Grady MSN, RN emphasized that the motivation was “for access, because it is offered over-the-counter, you can basically go to a Walgreens or any pharmacy. So, we wanted to mirror that and make sure that anybody who wants it can get it at the health center as well.” To request Plan B, students simply need to ask for “over-the-counter medicine” at the front desk, complete a registration form to consent to the health center charge on their student account and select their item, which may also include pregnancy tests, COVID tests and other common over-the-counter medicines. Grady observed, “So far, it seems to have been pretty favorable, in the past month, we just started offering it so somebody can just come in and pick one up… just like if you went to a pharmacy and picked this up, all the information is included with the medication… Everything that I’ve heard thus far has been all favorable.” The Health Center can supply one package of Plan B per student, per transaction. 

Grady said this initiative not only promotes reproductive health but also empowers students to make informed choices about their bodies, “It’ll give [students] the option to choose for their own health care.” For students who may be hesitant to reach out to the Health Center for health services, Grady advised, “There’s never a dumb question, we’re here in support and you always have a safe place to come in. And if you’re not sure even if you want to see a provider, students always have the option to talk to myself. I’m an RN, and we have an LPN too, and we can just kind of listen to your thoughts, and if somebody still wants an appointment with a nurse practitioner, we can coordinate that with you at any time.” This approach intends for students to feel comfortable and understood, allowing them to take the first step toward their healthcare needs. 

Grady added, “We just want everyone to know that we’re approachable. We’re here for you as a student, to meet every bit of your healthcare needs on our level because we’re basically like a primary care office and if any additional layers of treatment are required, we can certainly refer you to specialists.” The Trinity College Health Center is unique in its partnership with Hartford Healthcare as Grady maintained, “we’re competitive with all other health centers, but the beauty of what we offer is that because we are Hartford Healthcare, all students have access to all the Hartford Healthcare specialists, doctors and resources of that nature. So that’s the beauty of us, of our partnership with Trinity.” 

Laura Lockwood, the Director of the Women & Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC) affirmed, “I am thrilled that by providing Plan B without needing an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner, the Health Center is not only increasing access but agency as well. This is especially vital for victims and survivors of non-consensual penetration, whether or not condoms and birth control were utilized. Kudos to Director Kara Anastasiou and the Health Center staff.” For more information or questions, students are encouraged to reach out to the Health Center staff, who are dedicated to providing support.  

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