SGA meeting recap



The SGA convened its second meeting this past Sunday, Oct. 4 in Smith House.

The SGA meeting this week was primarily external presentations. It began with Barnyard elections (for the Programming Board). Numerous individuals ran for four different positions: Marketing, Outreach, Finance/Budgeting, and Graphic Design. Members of SGA will vote on positions following the meeting.

Following Barnyard elections, there were five club proposals for either instating new clubs or reinstating previous clubs. Again, members of SGA will vote on approval or rejection of these clubs.

A report from the President followed the proposals. Max Le Merle, ’16 updated the members on various issues that they identified on campus. A meeting was held with Chaplain Read about ringing the Chapel’s bells on September 11th and other important days. Chaplain Read readily agreed to have the bells mark important days.

Le Merle also detailed a meeting with Trinity’s Chief Information Officer, Suzanne Aber, about the reactivation of the shuttle tracker on the weekend. She agreed and is looking to put the plan into action.

The issue of TrinAir’s reliability was addressed between Le Merle and Trinity’s Director of Networking and Infrastructure Services, Fred Kass. Over the past few years, TrinAir’s speed has increased drastically but intermittency is still a problem. Kass asserted that some students are torrenting and downloading at such significant rates that it can cause TrinAir to crash. The two will be meeting again to follow up on the issue.

Le Merle also met with Toby Chenette, who is in charge of Chartwells, about the many complaints about food on campus. Chenette is extremely interested in creating an SGA food committee to address and improve the issues.

The SGA committee unanimously approved a motion to donate $150 from the SGA Senate’s budget towards the Backpack Nutrition Program. The Charleston House fundraises for this program and held the Chapel Formal to raise money. This donation on behalf of SGA will feed 40 students for a weekend.

Lastly, Dean Joe DiChristina introduced himself to the entire committee and emphasized how he would like to be a support system and help. He will be attending meetings as an advocate, not to control or add his input. He is looking for feedback on leadership development from the entire Trinity community.

The next SGA meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. in the Smith House. It is open to the public.

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