SGA Presidency Sees an Uncontested Election

Kat Namon ’22
News Editor
SGA elections for the upcoming fall semester are set to take place this Monday, Apr. 8 through Tuesday, Apr. 9. Students will be running for the positions of SGA President, Vice President, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, and Class Presidents for the classes of 2022, 2021, and 2020. Multiple positions will be uncontested, as has been a trend throughout the past year. Both SGA President and VP of Finance are positions that will be uncontested. Trinna Larsen ’20 is expected to become SGA President and Hunter Savery ’20 is expected to become Vice President of Finance. The SGA extended the time period for candidates to run for SGA Vice President as no one had applied. At this time, Erick Pena ’20 and Felicia McDevitt ’21 will reportedly run uncon- tested on the same ticket.
The candidates for Vice President of Communications are Larisa Bogomolov ’20, Quinn Luong ’21, and Jack Stone ’22. The candidates for Class of 2020 President are Aaron Supple and Federica Cristofanilli. Farran Brown and Jordan Lewis are candidates for Class of 2022 President. Larsen, when asked about her goals for SGA once she assumes her new role, said, “I would like Trinity be a school that every student can be excited to enter and proud to leave. In pursuit of that, I would like to see SGA continuing steps it has taken to be an acting entity of student representation that can support the students and share their needs with the administration. Specifically, I would like to see a continuation of work on food quality and access, textbook availability, student life policies, and add new committees focused on student organizations, our policy procedures, and campus safety.”
Savery spoke on his goals that he hopes to implement as next year’s Vice President of Finance. “Specifically for budget policy, I am trying to make it easier to understand for the student body, [since] I feel like most people don’t understand how it works or how to manage their own budgets. The number of people who come in really late at the last minute is kind of ridiculous, and I think that we can get rid of that by making the whole process more transparent. With transparency, I want more clubs to disclose their finances. If [a club] gets outside funding we need to know where it comes from, so that we know how to distribute our finances. There’s a possibility of having more money to play with next year which is exciting, so keeping a tight lid on that is important. In terms of SGA overall, I really want to see SGA follow the constitution a little more, and moreover revise the constitution. I’d like us to make ourselves more available to the student body, and generally look for reform and transparency.”
In addition to the three uncontested positions, the number of students running for other SGA positions is low. Savery, when asked about these dwindling numbers, said, “I think I was surprised by how few people actually turned out to run for SGA elections. I am not sure if that is a reflection ofhow tense things have been in SGA lately. It’s tricky for our year. Most of the executive board positions requirea specific amount of time on SGA. Our class has suffered from having uncontested races in the past, to the point where we have had one senator for the entire class. A lot of people weren’t eligible to run, and I think that definitely lowered turn-out.”
When asked about the same subject, Larsen said, “SGA exists as a coalition of student voices that can collectively facilitate student life on our campus and succinctly voice our values, concerns, and questions to the administration. We can not do that responsibly without active student participation, so that is something that every SGA has worked towards and I plan for ours to work towards that as well. In addition to continuing initiatives of holding office hours, hosting open SGA meetings in public locations, and having the Tripod Liaison come to all meetings, I would like to do more to invite non-voting liaisons to join SGA and have our members reaching out to more students and clubs directly as both a resource and an ally in our common goal of making Trinity College a better place.”

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