On Sunday, Oct. 21, the Student Government Association (SGA) heard updates from its subcommittees, listened to requests for approval by the Video GamesClub and the Chess Club, and heard a presentation by the Trinsition Fellows about the Green Dot Prevention Strategy.
Every subcommittee provided updates on previous meetings, priorities, as well as their advancement in the institution of their overall objectives. The Food Committee discussed a previous incident in which a student discovered a piece of metal in their vegetables, which later led to the retraining of Chartwells staff in the handling of vegetable crates. The Sustainability Committee is working on ways of garnering support and overall awareness for the upcoming campus project. They are currently in the process of assisting Trinity in signing a contract that will allow the College to compost leftover food. The Communications Committee discussed methods in which to promote social media awareness such as blog posts, as well as Instagram and Facebook posts with a theme of “Meet the Student Government Association.” The Housing Committee discussed the efficiency in which college funds are being put to use in cases such as long-term projects through methods such as deferred maintenance.
The Student Government Association heard requests for approval by the Video Game Club and the Chess Club. The Video Game Club described its goals of providing a social club for gamers and advertised its benefits as a club for students to relax. The club plans on hosting tournaments with prizes as well as creating a communal Steam account for all members. Isaiah Bailey ’22 presented his proposal on restarting the Chess Club. With support from a variety of students, he hopes to expand interest and membership beyond the wrestling team and Pi Kappa Alpha. Bailey intends to create an organization based on competition, with membership being based off the ability to beat a current member. In order to maintain the club’s presence on campus, the “Chairman of the Board” will nominate his/her replacement every year.
The Trinsition Fellows gave a presentation on the Green Dot Prevention program. Aiming to prevent power-based personal violence, the Trinsition Fellows hope to change Trinity College’s culture. Tracing the cultural changes introduced through the advent of social media, the Fellows defined cultural change as many people making minute changes. This consisted of combating the red dot of power-based personal violence with a green dot of intervention. The Trinsition Fellows emphasized three methods of preventing personal violence, known as the “Three Ds”: distract, delegate, and direct. Thereafter, the Trinsition Fellows worked with SGA members to brainstorm intervention tactics aligned with the “Three Ds.” With the Green Dot Prevention program, the Trinsition Fellows and Trinity College aim to actively prevent personal violence among Trinity students.
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