Updates from the SGA President

This semester, the Student Government Association (SGA) is proud to have served the Trinity College Study Body in a number of ways.

We are happy to have expanded our membership to include a Vice President of Multicultural Affairs (Giovanni Jones), two WGRAC Liaisons (Remi Tupper and Clare Donohoe), and two International Student Liaisons (Masho Jmukhadze and Aadiv Sheth), along with our Senators, Class Presidents, and other Executive Board Members.

As a group, we are happy to have spent this fall meeting with members of our community, participating in administrative committees, funding the Homecoming Brunch and Composting on Crescent, and using resolutions to support initiatives and individuals.

Below is listed our various committees and the work they have accomplished throughout the semester.

Budget Committee:

-Supporting clubs and events on campus through SAF allocations -Updating and discussing organization policy

EAC Barnyard:

-Working to expand reach to different organizations and community groups -Shifting focus to make events more inclusive and accessible to the entire student body

Constitutional Revisions Committee:

-Editing and rewriting the Constitution of SGA -Established a system of bylaws -Included rank choice voting as an option
-Created a system for Individualized Degree Program (IDP) Representatives

Food Committee:

-Beginning the Fair Trade initiative with Chartwells -Working to bring back popular items from the Cave as well as a new Mather station

Communications Committee:

-Reconstructing the SGA website
-Updating and revamping our Bantamgram
-Working with the communications office on School to Student interactions

Housing Committee:

-Reviewing the lottery room ratings for the first time in years
-Housing survey submitted to students

Student Life Committee:

-Worked with the Dean of Students on our first college-wide Non-Discrimination Policy
-Looking into parking regulations
-Working on the Student Integrity Contract

Student Organization Oversight Committee:

-Creation of the committee and goals
-Solidification of club approval process -Implementation of group as a resource to recognized student groups

Campus Safety Committee:

-Creation of the committee and goals
-Improve sense of safety among students on campus

For further information on the work that has been done this semester, please visit our website or the BantamLink Student Government Association page and see our uploaded Meeting Minutes or come to our Office Hours in the Cave this Wednesday from 12pm-1pm or email SGA- President@trincoll.edu.

In addition, please feel free to join us for a Karaoke Kickback night in Vernon Social from 6-8pm this Thursday evening.

As always, we appreciate hearing from the members of our community, as it is your concerns we strive to address. We look forward to the rest of this semester and the upcoming spring to continue serving you all to the best of our ability.

-Trinna Larsen ’20, SGA President

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