Men's Hockey Takes on Tufts, Connecticut College

On November 17, the Trinity Bantams men’s hockey team took the ice to begin the defense of their second consecutive NESCAC title. Taking on the Tufts Jumbos, the Bantams got off to a hot start as Tyler Whitney ’18 buried the first goal of the game just 7:24 into the first period. Whitney came in off the right wing and one-timed home a perfectly placed rebound off the shot by Ryan Pfeffer ’19. With the home fans buzzing, Dylan Healey ’21 finished off a beautiful passing play just five minutes later at the 12:52 mark of the first frame. Healey’s goal, his first in a Bantam uniform, was assisted by fellow rookie Eric Benshadle ’21 for his first collegiate point. The two first-years broke in alone as they passed the Tufts defense and Benshadle faked a shot and slid a perfect pass across the crease where Healey calmly finished to put Trinity up by two. The Jumbos would get one back at the 7:22 mark of the second as Anthony Farinacci scored a beautiful power play marker, ripping home top corner wrist shot from the top of the left circle. Eight minutes later, the Bantams answered with a power play goal as Trinity captain Anthony Sabitsky ’18 fired home a rebound off of a point shot from Liam Feeney ’20. James Callahan ’21 was credited with the assist, marking his first Trinity career point, putting the Bantams back up by two. At the 15:15 mark of the third period, Eric Benshadle tallied his first goal at Trinity as he deflected a wicked wrist shot from Sabitsky. Liam Feeney started the scoring play with a perfect pass diagonally across the offensive zone, marking his second point of the night. Just over a minute later, fan-favorite Ryan Pfeffer added his first goal of the year on a beautiful move in tight on the Tufts goaltender. The Bantams’ fifth goal of the night was assisted by Connor Hegarty ’18 and James Callahan who picked up his second assist of the night. Alex Morin ’18 made 23 saves on 24 shots for the Bantams in the opening night win. The Bantams return to action on Saturday for the second night of back-to-back games as they face off against the Connecticut College Camels in another NESCAC battle.

The next day, the Bantams welcomed Connecticut College to the Koeppel Center for the second game of the season. Trinity, operating on tired legs, had a much more difficult time with the Camels then the night before. Despite a dominating first period, the Bantams could not capitalize on any of their 16 scoring chances while the Camels scored with 1:18 remaining. After a scoreless second, the Bantams scored two goals in the last 10 minutes, squeaking out a hard fought 2-1 victory.


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