Once again, Christopher Houlihan delivered an impeccably executed recital last Friday to a packed crowd of several hundred in the Chapel. Performing a diverse program consisting of pieces by Bach, Vierne, and several more, Houlihan masterfully captured the playful themes of the pieces and kept his ‘Houlifans’ engaged throughout his recital.
“Houli,” as his fans call him, graduated from Trinity in 2008, where he studied the organ under the direction of Director of Chapel Music John Rose. During his time at Trinity, and the immediate years following, Houlihan has been the recipient of a number of prestigious awards and scholarships. Moreover, recent reviews of Houlihan’s recitals by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal have helped to solidify his emerging fame on the international organ scene.
Trinity has been fortunate enough to retain Houlihan as an artist in residence for three years and looks forward to having him for many years to come. Houlihan gives formal recitals several times a year, including at the Christmas service of Lessons and Carols in December, various Chapel Singers concerts throughout the year, as well as an independent performance as part of the annual organ recital program.
Houlihan recently played with the Chapel Singers in New York City on Apr. 10. For those who were unavailable to attend the New York recital, Houlihan and the Chapel Singers will have their annual Spring Mini-Concert in the Chapel next Thursday, Apr. 21 at 8pm. All are welcome to this free event.
While Houlihan has been the recipient of many awards and has played at some of the most prestigious venues in the world, his greatest honor might be yet to come. On May 4, Houlihan will make his Kennedy Center debut, in a program consisting of works by Bach, Franck, Vierne, and Alain. No doubt, Houlihan will live up to his reputation as a rock star of the organ and play with the playful panache for which he is so famous.
Christopher Houlihan '08 Performs Concert at Chapel

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