Clubs and Organizations to Resume In-Person Meeting for the 2021-22 School Year

4 min read

Sammi Bray ‘25 

Contributing Writer

In 2020, discussing campus involvement with a first-year student was a short conversation. Slowly returning from nearly an entire semester off, student organizations were mostly non-existent.  

However, on Tuesday, September 21st, the main quad was lined with tables, drawing students in from 4-6PM. Prepared with plans for the return of clubs, club leaders and their sign-up sheets welcomed students to a new year of possibilities.  

After collecting student information, most club leaders sent out detailed messages with plans to meet Thursday, September 23rd, to further discuss plans for the year. Trinity’s improv group, Moveable Joints, hosted two rounds of auditions at The Fred, including students from all grade levels. The current leaders, juniors Jane Fantozzi and Jill Schuck, led the introductory meeting.  

Fantozzi and Schuck shared plans to meet twice a week to rehearse, then worked with groups of students in introductory improv activities, like making up story lines or creating captions for imaginary images. Interested members also had to fill out a paper application, asking for a self-portrait, the funniest word they could think of, and what they thought the worst smelling part of campus is (most answers included the trees by Mather and the football locker).  

Fantozzi expressed the difficulties of trying to perform with COVID-19. “Honestly, I barely had one normal semester while in Moveable Joints so far,” she said. Typically, the group would try to do multiple shows a semester, but with COVID-19, it became impossible.  

“Last year, we had online shows that were fun, but we are really eager to be back in person and performing again,” Fantozzi said. The group is planning to get a bigger space to perform, allowing for social distancing and are “hoping to have a good year with lots of laughs.”  

Mock Trial also hosted an information session Thursday afternoon. Students interested in being on the team are required to audition, read their own work, provide a one-minute speech without notes, and discuss a given topic. Thursday served as an opportunity to learn more, alongside pizza, before students decided if they would like to try out.  

Philosophy Club, which focuses on topics that are student picked and often not discussed in a classroom environment, began meeting Friday, September 24th, in the Washington Room above Mather. Club president, Charlotte Bond ‘23, ran a casual meeting, describing the club’s plans and some introductory topics. Bond stressed that members are welcome to come and go as they please, with the option to only join the club when the topic interests them.  

The club also posted to their Instagram about Friday’s meeting and plans for their next meetings, which will continue to be on Fridays, 3-6PM. The Instagram’s manager, Chris Chiasera ‘24, reiterated the club’s flexibility, mentioning that staying for the entirety of a meeting is neither required nor expected.  

The school’s Amnesty Club is also back on for this year, under the guidance of Sara Lambert ‘22. Last year, Lambert hosted biweekly, virtual meetings. “Because of the nature of what we do, it was not too difficult to transition online,” Lambert shared.  

“It was very challenging to get information out to the freshman class about who we are and what we do, when so little could happen in person last year,” she continued. The club focused on remote letter-writing and educational talks online for the first half of last year, but in Spring 2021, they were able to meet in person again.  

“I could tell people were more enthusiastic about meetings in the spring than in the fall,” Lambert said, hopeful that the new school year will bring continued engagement.  

For those still interested in joining school organizations, more information can be found on Bantam Link.  

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