Where is the food during Trin Days?

Trin Days are something that I, along with all the other students, look forward to since practically the second week of classes. It is always a much needed break when classes are getting particularly stressful.
Traditionally, Trin Days were created as “study days,” where students could catch up on work without classes or any other commitments to worry about. However, from my experience, students today look at these days very differently. Trin Days are either spent at home doing absolutely nothing for a long weekend or as a four-day weekend of strictly fun. Either way, I’m not complaining.
As a junior, I spent my first Trin Days on campus this past weekend. Normally, I head home to Pittsburgh, visit family in Massachusetts, or crash with a friend who lives close by. However, this year, I had a decent amount of work and flights home were ridiculously expensive. So, I decided to I’d stick around on campus. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?
As the long weekend comes to an end, I have mixed feelings about staying on campus. It is nice to spend the weekend relaxing and not having to worry about getting up for class first thing Monday morning. I was able to actually get ahead on work whereas that would’ve been impossible had I been home. I also had a few friends on campus so, despite no major social things going on at night, we were still able to entertain ourselves.
But, there was one huge problem about staying around on campus – there is almost no food available on campus. As someone who lives on the north side of campus, I live faithfully off of the Bistro and Goldberg’s. Especially with the Bistro’s strange weekend hours, I eat Goldberg’s primarily on the weekends. But, the fact that Goldberg’s closed at either 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. the past couple days and the Bistro did not reopen on Sunday evening is absolutely ridiculous. I understand that the number of students on campus during Trin Days are significantly lower. But, those who do stick around need to be well fed.
I can honestly say that, because of the lack of food options, I will never stay on campus during Trin Days again. This is extremely sad that Trinity closes places to such an extent that people do not even feel able to stay on campus. Fortunately, I have family who is willing to bring me home from here on out. But, Trinity needs to think about those who cannot so easily do that. They should not be punished for choosing to stay on their campus for an extended weekend.

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