Statement by Trinity Coalition for Justice in Palestine

We, the undersigned, represent a concerned group of people affiliated with Trinity College. We join people of conscience around the world in condemning the targeting of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. We mourn alongside members of our Trinity community whose friends and families have been directly affected by Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians and by Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians. With our Trinity community, we grieve the mounting catastrophic loss of civilian life and acknowledge the deep-rooted collective trauma this provokes for members of both communities around the world. We stand with our students, staff, contingent, and untenured faculty members who feel afraid to mourn or to express concern in fear of political, professional, or personal reprisals. We condemn the growing atmosphere of Islamophobia, antisemitism, and racism permeating our city and country. We believe that no one should be afraid to express human emotions in face of extraordinary human suffering.

We express horror at the illegal collective punishment being waged against Palestinian civilians. We join United Nations chief António Guterres in condemning the “clear violations of international law” being committed against Palestinians who have historically been dispossessed and displaced. Palestinian civilians are being forcibly removed from their homes, bombed as they attempt to evacuate to designated zones of safety, attacked as they have sought shelter in hospitals, refugee camps, schools, and places of worship. They are suffering in unprecedented ways as their food, water, power, fuel, and other utilities are being cut off and their medical services destroyed. We witness the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza with outrage and view the escalation of military aggression in the West Bank and surrounding countries with increasing alarm. We join colleagues on other campuses in calling for an immediate end to these human rights violations. We join concerned people around the world in calling for an immediate ceasefire. We hope these common desires can help us build affinities to find a path forward together as a Trinity community.

  1. Christina Heatherton, Elting Associate Professor of American Studies and Human Rights
  2. Janet L. Bauer, Professor of International Studies, Emerita
  3. Cheryl Greenberg, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of History, Emerita
  4. Leslie G. Desmangles, Professor Emeritus, Department of Religious Studies and International Studies
  5. Hilary E. Wyss, Allan K. Smith and Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of English
  6. Maurice L. Wade, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Public Policy and Law, and International Studies
  7. Dan Lloyd, Brownell Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus
  8. Davarian Baldwin, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies
  9. Robert J. Corber, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor in American Institutions and Values
  10. Diana R. Paulin, Charles A. Dana Research Associate Professor of American Studies & English
  11. Zayde Antrim, Professor of History and International Studies
  12. Stefanie Chambers, Professor of Political Science & Chair
  13. Dario Del Puppo, Professor of Language and Culture Studies
  14. Jane Nadel-Klein, Professor of Anthropology
  15. Jeffrey Bayliss, Associate Professor of History
  16. Seth Markle, Associate Professor of History and International Studies
  17. Shane M. Ewegen, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  18. Alyson K. Spurgas, Associate Professor of Sociology
  19. James Prakash Younger, Associate Professor, Department of English, Director, Film Studies Program
  20. Kifah Hanna, Associate Professor of Language and Culture Studies
  21. Isaac Kamola, Associate Professor of Political Science
  22. Katherine Bergren, Associate Professor of English
  23. Jordan T. Camp, Associate Professor of American Studies
  24. Hasan Comert, Associate Professor of Economics
  25. Martha Risser, Associate Professor of Classical Studies 
  26. Gabriel Salgado, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  27. Ibrahim Shikaki, Assistant Professor of Economics
  28. Joshua King, Senior Lecturer in Language and Culture Studies
  29. Kelly P. Dugan, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
  30. Juliet Nebolon, Assistant Professor of American Studies
  31. Shunyuan Zhang, Assistant Professor of International Studies and Women, Gender and Sexuality
  32. Jia-Hui Stefanie Wong, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
  33. Benjamin C. Carbonetti, Director of the Human Rights Program and Lecturer in Human Rights
  34. Shaznene Hussain, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science
  35. Anna Terwiel, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  36. Doyle Calhoun, Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies, Language & Culture Studies
  37. Blase Provitola, Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies and Women, Gender and Sexuality
  38. Aidali Aponte-Aviles, Senior Lecturer and Language Coordinator in Language and Culture Studies
  39. Hernán Flom, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science 
  40. Jacob Kripp, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science
  41. Belén Fernández Milmanda, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies
  42. Mary Dudas, Senior Lecturer of Political Science
  43. Diana Aldrete, Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies and Human Rights
  44. Daniel J. Douglas, Director of Social Science Research and Lecturer in Sociology
  45. Dang Do, Assistant Professor in Political Science
  46. Natassja B. Gunasena, Assistant Professor of International Studies
  47. Jenny Wu, Visiting Assistant Professor of Fine Arts
  48. Raul Zelada-Aprili, Assistant Professor of Economics
  49. Rebecca Pappas, Assistant Professor of Theater and Dance
  50. Azzedine Azzimani Visiting Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies
  51. Brianna Halladay, Assistant Professor of Economics
  52. Clayton P. Byers, Assistant Professor of Engineering
  53. Alejandro Heredia, Ann Plato Postdoctoral Fellow
  54. James C. Staples, Visiting Assistant Professor of English 
  55. Mareike Koertner, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
  56. Thenesoya Vidiana Martin de la Nuez, Visiting Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies 
  57. Francisco Goldman, Allan K. Smith Professor of English Language and Literature
  58. Kari L. Theurer, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  59. Ricardo Gabriel, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology
  60. Catina Bacote, Assistant Professor of English
  61. Cristian Padilla Romero, Visiting Lecture of History
  62. Alex Helberg, Visiting Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Writing
  63. Shoshana Goldstein, Visiting Assistant Professor in Urban Studies
  64. Angela Citrola, Visiting Lecturer in Psychology & Neuroscience
  65. Tom Wickman, Associate Professor of History and American Studies
  66. Luis Martinez, Associate Professor of Neuroscience
  67. Keavy McFadden, Postdoctoral Fellow in Urban Studies
  68. Teri Incampo, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater and Dance
  69. Preston Walker, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Aetna Quantitative Center and Mathematics Department
  70. Xiangming Chen, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Global Urban Studies and Sociology
  71. Irene Papoulis, Principal Lecturer, Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric
  72. Thomas Harrington, Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies
  73. Clark L. Alejandrino, Assistant Professor of History

If you are a faculty member interested in signing the petition, please click here.

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