Category: OPINION
Editorial: End of Semester
I have stuck with the Tripod through three semesters as editor-in-chief because of the people I have met along the way. Reaching out to different […]
Letter to the Editor: Trinity College Democrats
This past week, several disparaging flyers featuring images of members of the Churchill Institute and Club were distributed on campus and on social media. We […]
Trinity's Descent into Illiberal Education
From the ridiculous to the reprehensible, the last month has publicly demonstrated the descent of what passes for intellectual life at Trinity into totally illiberal, […]
An Anthropological Response to Racism
In an essay on racism for the Churchill Institute’s website, which per its mission statement, is dedicated to “the extension of the Western Tradition,” Professor […]
Trinity Review Misrepresents Campus Discourse
Alex Dahlem ’20 Opinion Editor This past Friday Nick Engstrom ’22 posted in the “Alumni for a Better Trinity College” Facebook group about a new […]
Statement from the Tripod Staff
Minutes before the Tripod went to print on Monday night, the staff received word that the SGA President has passed the faciliation of the Churchill […]
Statement from Churchill Club
Churchill’s Response to the Attack on Free Speech: The mission of the Churchill Club, simply put, is to read books and to confront ideas that […]
Statement from SGA President
Many members of the Trinity community have recently inquired about what it means for an organization to be recognized by the SGA. When a club […]
Tucker Carlson Is Emblematic of Trinity Culture
Alex Dahlem ’20 Opinion Editor Tucker Carlson ’91 is one of the most controversial yet noteworthy voices in modern American politics. Sporting colorful bow ties, […]
San Antonio Fights Chicken and US Constitution
Daniel Nesbitt ’22 Staff Writer On Thursday, March 21st, the City Council of San Antonio voted 6-4 to prevent Chick-fil-A from opening a store simply […]