Letter to the Editor

The plaque on the canon closest to the Trinity College Chapel.
Courtesy of Gregory Barison ’74, P ’04.

While enjoying my 45th Reunion this summer, I took a look at the plaque on the cannon that is closer to the Chapel, a picture of which is attached.

Trinity should not be honoring those who fought for the Confederacy, whose central purpose was the preservation of human bondage.

That some Trinity men believed in, fought and died for the “Plantation Masters” does not warrant their being honored along- side those who risked all to save the Union and demolish slavery.

After all, I am sure that many German soldiers in WWII died for a cause in which they believed, but that doesn’t ennoble them, doesn’t entitle them to be remembered at the same time we recall those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defeat Nazism. The plaque should be removed.

-Gregory Barison ’74 P’04

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  1. 1
    Robert Alexander Boyle '85

    Robert Alexander Boyle ’85: With 600,000 battle dead and hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, this war was the bloodiest in American history. The federal governments perspective is that casualties on both side were American veterans, and all monuments to such men are protected by the Veterans Memorial Preservation Act of 2003. Given the college is mandated to abide by federal law in its 1823 charter, removing said plaque runs contrary basic compliance. Doing what the alum from 1974 suggests flirts with breech of charter. Good luck with that, this is what results when people “feel” instead of think.

  2. 2
    Jo Jo Johnson

    Jo Jo Johnson: Oh, Lawdy, Lawdy! The alum from the class of 1974 seeks to instill his ‘woke values’ upon the World. Leave the deceased to rest in Eternal Glory, Good Sir. I, for one, shall not trample upon your grave upon your demise regardless of your peculiar pecadillos.

    ‘Eternal rest grant unto them,O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, throughthe mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.’

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