Dressing for the role you want

Picks the Worst Ones ’24

Even Friends Are Shocked

Here at B&P we love any reason to celebrate (mostly because it’s an excuse to drink). When it comes to the small celebrations, we’ve got ‘em down. National Margarita Day, 4/20, and of course when the guy you’re seeing passes the test and does NOT unexpectedly reveal he’s in a relationship on national girlfriend’s day (if that’s not a reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is). But nonetheless, today is a big one for us. As Cady Heron once said, “Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.” So get after it. Keep in mind, your costume should be like that poli-sci paper you’ve been putting off…long enough to cover all of the bases, but short enough to still keep that special someone interested. But please, no neon this year, we saw enough of that at your boarding school-student center-dances. Anyways, back to the point. Every year, it’s the same old thing. Sexy Bunny accompanied by Heff, Scandalous Patrick Bateman, and of course, the devil. Don’t you all agree that these costumes are beginning to get a little old? I know it’s easy, and well, Amazon Prime hasn’t been on their game lately, but let’s take it up a notch, and dare I say spice up your life…Contrary to what you might believe, you do not need a group for this costume, simply dress up as the spice girl that you identify most closely with. There’s someone for everyone, even you (yes you) the one who never smiles and is a bit on the serious side…you can be Posh (Becks not included). But maybe dressing up as a 2000s icon is not your thing. In life, they often say, dress for the role you want, not the one you have. That being said, if you’re looking to be a “long-term, long-distance (you live on opposite sides of campus) low-commitment casual girlfriend,” dress up as Barbie, everyone’s gonna do it, but you’ll have a different objective in mind. Moreover, if you cringe at the word “girlfriend” and simply want to be used on the daily by Mr. Bloomberg Certified, dress up as the NYSE, that’s sure to catch his attention.

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