Tripod Editorial: Vote!

As Nov. 3 approaches in a politically turbulent year, the Tripod encourages all of its readers—student, faculty, alumni, or otherwise—to get out and vote. Though 58 million Americans have already cast their vote via early voting or absentee ballot, young voters are sometimes portrayed in the media as less likely to participate in elections. In 2016, just 50% of people aged 18-29 voted in the pivotal Trump/Clinton election, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University.

With the threats of COVID-19 and growing unrest in the United States, Americans have the opportunity to cast their decision in one of the most contentious and crucial elections in recent history. The outcome this November will be consequential and will have direct impact on all members of the community. Between two presidential debates, a vice presidential debate, various town halls, and plenty of Twitter-based vitriol, there is no doubt that the average member of the Trinity community is well-aware of this year’s match-up between Trump and Biden. Opinions on the two candidates are made known over dinner at Mather, in classroom discussions, and in the pages of the Tripod. It is important to note, however, that the election has far-reaching consequences on both the national and local level. 

Trinity students are permitted to vote just off-campus at the Learning Corridor, as residents of Hartford if they are registered. In addition to voting for Biden or Trump for president, those that vote in Hartford also have the option to vote for three other local elections, as reported by Ballotpedia.org. As the election nears, the Tripod cannot stress enough the importance of learning about each candidate and participating in our nation’s political process.

The next issue of the Tripod will be a special edition of the paper, where we will forego our traditional five sections (news, opinion, features, arts and entertainment, and sports) to only publish pieces regarding the election, offered by members throughout the community. The staff is hoping to collect as many opinions as possible, and submissions may be sent to tripod@trincoll.edu by this coming Wednesday for consideration in the print edition.

-The Trinity Tripod


Brendan W. Clark '21 is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity Tripod, Trinity College's student newspaper.

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