Election Coverage: Liam Andrian ’20, Candidate for VP of Communications

Name: Liam Andrian

Major: Economics

Hometown: Glastonbury, CT


Trinity Tripod:  What previous experiences have you had within SGA? What projects have you been a critical part of?

Liam Andrian: I have been an active member of SGA for the past two years.  Freshman year I helped plan various barbecues and meet and greets with faculty members.  This past year I have served as a member of the budget committee, allocating funds to student organizations and have joined the long term orientation planning committee, which hopes to make improvements to first years students’ first few days on campus.

TT: What experiences outside SGA have shaped your time at Trinity and your ability to lead?

LA: Outside of SGA I do a variety of things.  I am the Trinity representative for the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education.  This position allows me to plan events for all consortium colleges, while trying to make Hartford more of a destination for college students.  Being a part of the consortium has allowed me to connect with many Hartford businesses who are willing to offer attractive discounts to get students through their doors.  In addition to that, I work in admissions as a tour guide while maintaining an off campus job two days a week.

TT: What would you seek to accomplish in this position?

LA: As VP of Communications there a number of initiatives I would like to work on.  First off, I would like to create a larger social media presence for SGA, allowing students to keep up with what the student government association and other groups on campus are doing.  Additionally, I would like to implement some type of system that allows students to easily voice their questions/problems/concerns.  It is important as a student government that we are addressing the thoughts of the student body.  Having an easy way to collect information from the campus will lead to a more productive SGA.

TT: If you can only accomplish one of your objectives, which one would you choose and why?

LA: Although the two initiatives I listed are not the only ideas I have for the upcoming school year, if I could only complete one, I would hope it would be the one regarding collecting student opinions.  This is something that I think is lacking on our campus right now and needs to be changed as soon as possible.

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