Fall 2020 Student Activities Fair Shifts Online During COVID Pandemic

2 min read

Shawn Olstein ’22

News Editor

This Friday, Sept. 25. S.A.I.L. will host the annual involvement fair from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. However, this year’s involvement fair will be hosted virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. After reviewing a variety of methods and platforms on which to host the involvement fair, S.A.I.L has decided to host the fair on Airmeet. Unlike other video conferencing platforms such as zoom, Airmeet best replicates the traditional set up of the involvement fair. Students will be able to access the platform via their Trinity emails, which will authenticate them into the site, and they will be prompted to create a profile. 

Upon entry, students will see organizations assigned to tables that they can connect with over a video conference feature at each table. At each table, current members of that organization can “take a seat” at the table; once attendees “take a seat,” a video call (similar to Zoom) will be initiated amongst everyone sitting at that table. The conversation can only be heard by those at the table, so it doesn’t distract from other calls happening at other tables. It also allows organization members to share their screen for content and to really connect face-to-face with those interested in joining. There will also be a few tables called the Social Lounge, that students can utilize to connect with their peers.

S.A.I.L. has sent out a sign-up link to clubs and organizations across campus in order to request a table at the fair. Requests closed Monday at noon, and over the next few days leading up to the fair S.A.I.L. will be organizing and assigning tables for the fair. Typically, organizations are assigned based on categories (Academic, Performance, Club Sports, etc.) to make it easier for attendees to navigate the various groups at the event. So far, S.A.I.L is anticipating on having at least 75 groups in attendance.

Despite going online S.A.I.L. encourages students to attend the event and get involved on campus. Assistant Director of S.A.I.L. Sarah Lucas told the Tripod “we are marketing the event to the campus to ensure students are aware of the upcoming event and what they can expect from this virtual experience.”


Brendan W. Clark '21 is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity Tripod, Trinity College's student newspaper.

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